Bearing witness to another person owning their story produces strength. It allows us to immerse ourselves in the moment. A few weeks ago I had the honor of co-hosting the TEDxColumbus Women event. The theme was Own It (The power of our story) and the line-up of speakers more than delivered. They [...]
Over the weekend I met a wickedly smart 16 year old. She confessed to being a perfectionist; a common term used by people trying to explain why they procrastinate or hide their truest selves. As a recovering perfectionist, I recognize this pattern like my favorite pair of shoes. There are a [...]
I was in New York recently and had to do a double take when I saw a USPS mail carrier delivering mail. The mail was being maneuvered through the streets using a device that greatly resembled the popular product design of the luxury baby stroller– Two bigger wheels in the back that sit on a [...]
Apple’s brand strategy seems simple – Make people fall so in love with your product offerings that anything else is uncivilized. What does this mean with the launch of products like the Apple Watch and Apple Music? What could possibly be next for the brand that seems to have it all? The [...]